Partnerships with Impact

At WCC we endeavor to work together with other organizations

for the common good of the community.

Waukee Area Christian Services (WACS) provides compassionate, practical care to greater Des Moines’ west side, offering food, clothing, and medical assistance to those struggling to make ends meet. Supported by area churches, businesses and community organizations, WACS includes a food pantry, clothing closet, free medical clinic, and community garden.

Hope for Children in Ethiopia exists to assist those who were in forced labor, sex slavery or were homeless, to provide prevention programs and to help entire communities in the countryside of Ethiopia.

Freedom for Youth empowers youth across Iowa, through the love of Jesus Christ, to break out of their current bondage, discover their God-given talents, and lead transformed lives.

Mark Farran, Church Multiplication

The EFCA exists to foster the "multiplication of healthy churches among all people.” This demands a strong commitment for planting new churches in our area. Our vision is to plant all kinds of new Evangelical Free Churches to reach all kinds of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. WCC supports Mark Farran as he works to multiply our impact in Iowa and South Dakota.

Bible Pathways

Bible Pathways is a ReachGlobal ministry that trains pastors in South Asia to study and preach the Bible. Often, pastors and ministry leaders ​in this country ​have minimal Bible training, and it is necessary to continue their bi-vocational work while gaining further education.

Coming alongside pastors during hands-on ministry allows them to continue serving, develop skills, and provide for their families. Pastors and ministry leaders are hungry for training, so our partnership allows more pastors to accurately preach and teach the Bible!

Waukee Community Church has established a partnership with Heartland Christian Counseling in West Des Moines, IA.

Heartland has a group of licensed counselors, who work to provide "Christ-center psychological services to our community loved by God.” Our partnership with Heartland allows those who call WCC their to home to receive preferred placement with counselors, as well as access to financial assistance on a case-by-case basis.

If you would like to find out more about this partnership, please email us for more information.

Waukee Community Church

(515) 978-7732

215 N Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA

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