Can You See Me Now? (Jn 16:16-22)

While preparing for this week's message, I came

across a verse that really caught my attention. In John 16:21,

Jesus said: "A woman giving birth to a child has pain...but when

her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy..." Our

fifth child is almost here, and, having been in the delivery room

for the previous four children, I can relate to Jesus' words. I

realize that all of you mothers out there are screaming at your


GIVING BIRTH!" Well, in rebuttal to that argument, I'd like to say

.... "Never mind, you're right." BUT, I do understand what Jesus

was trying to say. Jesus uses this illustration to make a single

point to His disciples: In a little bit, you will have grief. But,

no matter how bad it feels, I promise your grief will turn to joy.

I don't know about you, but to me, that message is what I needed to

hear today. You and I understand grief. We understand that life in

this world is hard. But, as followers of Christ, we also look

forward to having our grief turn to joy. This Sunday (9 am at the

YMCA - don't forget!), we're going to see how Jesus turns our grief

into joy. And, what better way to celebrate joy than to baptize

some individuals who desire to identify with Christ in this great

celebration of obedience? Sunday will be great. I can't wait to see

you then! P. Dave

Sermon Detail
Date: Feb 13, 2011
Series: The Gospel of John
Speaker: Pastor Dave Brooks

    Waukee Community Church

    (515) 978-7732

    215 N Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA

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