If you paid attention at all in history class, you
are most likely familiar with one of the greatest traitors in
United States history: Benedict Arnold. However, what you may not
realize is that his betrayal was not a mere "overnight decision."
Historians speculate that he may have betrayed the Colonies because
of perceived slights in the war and that he negotiated with the
British for some time before finally switching sides. Whatever the
reason, he firmly believed he was doing the right thing. Still, the
path he chose made him an enemy and traitor to the fledging nation.
King Saul walked a similar path. He believed his path was better
than the one God laid out before him. The path he chose, however,
led him to a point where he became an enemy of God. Despite what
God was telling him, he made excuses for his decisions and refused
to acknowledge his sin (thus deepening his rebellion). As we
continue to learn from Saul on how to live a life of "No Regrets,"
we need to see what it means to be an enemy of God and what we can
do about it before it is too late.
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