My two-year-old daughter, Olivia, loves to drive
the car. She loves to sit behind the wheel. She turns all the
buttons and knobs, opens and closes the garage door, and
occasionally beeps the horn. She will do this for 30 minutes. But,
the entire time she's driving, the car goes nowhere. In Olivia's
case, this is a good thing. (I've already got two teenagers ready
to bring terror to the streets. I don't need a toddler doing the
same.) A toddler shouldn't actually move a car. But, if an adult
sits behind the wheel, we expect the car to go somewhere. The same
thing can be said about your life as a Christ-follower. Christians
should move forward. The Gospel is like high-octane racing fuel. It
propels us forward. On Sunday, we're going to resume our series
"Acts: The Church Unleashed." As we enter this middle section of
the book of Acts, I want to introduce you to a guy named Simon the
Sorcerer. His experience with the Apostles teaches us how to move
forward in our walks with Christ. The Gospel really is good
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