Our Job

Last week we were all re-introduced to the concept

of "the priesthood of all believers." Every believer is a priest.

And as priests, we all have a job. That job is to "declare the

praises of God." So how, exactly, do we do that? That's the

question I aim to answer on Sunday. This week's message is going to

be a ton of fun, as I interview two people from our body who have

recently had the opportunity to "declare God's praises" to the

world. I'm excited about this Sunday. I pray that it will be

extremely helpful to you!

Sermon Detail
Date: Nov 18, 2012
Series: This Is Church
Speaker: Pastor Dave Brooks

    Waukee Community Church

    (515) 978-7732


    215 N Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA

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