Persevere Like You Believe

How do you deal with adversity? When difficult

things come your way, what do you do? Do you worry and hide? Do you

get angry and strike back? The old adage “fight or flight” seems

appropriate here. Many of us respond to adversity by either

striking out in anger, or cowering in self-protective introversion.

But in the New Testament Epistle of James, the author has a

different idea. James tells us that we should avoid that “fight or

flight” approach. Instead he says that we should persevere. Sunday

is the 10th anniversary of the Sept 11th terrorist attack on the

United States of America. And it’s a perfect chance to think about

how we should respond when trials and temptation come our way. This

Sunday, we’re beginning our new series, “James: Live Like You

Believe!” James is one of the most practical books in the entire

Bible. It’s a reminder of how to put our faith into action. In

preparation for this new series, I’d encourage you to read through

the entire book. It is only 5 chapters long, and it will help you

develop a great framework for the entire series. As always, I can’t

wait to see you Sunday! P.Dave

Sermon Detail
Date: Sep 11, 2011
Series: James | Live Like You Believe
Speaker: Pastor Dave Brooks

    Waukee Community Church

    (515) 978-7732

    215 N Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA

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