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Snap! Did you know this word has 101 different
definitions in the Urban Dictionary? It's a word that is used as
shorthand for a whole lot of other ideas that people want to
express these days. Why? Because it's quick to say, easy to
remember, and as flexible as you need it to be. Actually, the word
has been around at least since 1841 when it was first coupled with
the word "judgment" to express those kinds of judgements we all
make about other people without putting much thought or time into
it. In the first part of John Chapter 7, Jesus speaks to the Jews
assembled in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles about the
downside of making hasty judgements when it comes to matters of
faith. He urges them to dig deeper in their understanding of how to
live in relation to Him. His advice is critical to those of us
today who seek to live a life pleasing to Him. Come this Sunday and
hear His words on how to live an abundant life that will glorify
Christ. Look forward to seeing you Sunday. Denny
Waukee Community Church
(515) 978-7732
215 N Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA
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