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Most of us have faced a time in our lives when a
hard choice or toughdecision has had to be made. Sometimes, when we
look back on those events we see that, our lives, and the lives of
others, were greatly impacted by the decision we made. In John
12:20-36, Jesus reached a critical decision point in his life on
earth. His hour had come and he had to decide whether to continue
on the path set out for him by the Father, recognizing that his
life, the lives of his disciples, and the lives of everyone else on
earth (past, present and future) would be greatly impacted by his
decision. In John's record of Jesus' choice, we see both the glory
of Christ our Lord and the framework for working through the most
difficult times we will face in our lives. Jesus showed us the way
to live a life worthy of Him and greatly impact others for
Waukee Community Church
(515) 978-7732
215 N Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA
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