The sociology of seating charts in stadiums always
intrigues me. We continually make assumptions. Important, wealthy
people sit up front in the expensive seats. Average, not-so-wealthy
folks, sit in the nose-bleeds. But this pattern does not hold true,
at all, when it comes to the Sunday Morning Gathering. NO ONE, not
even Bob Stouffer, wants to sit in the FRONT row. Prime seats are
located in the back. In fact, one Sunday a few years ago, so many
front row seats were empty, that late people went up to the front,
picked up the chairs in the front row, and moved them to the back.
Hilarious! In James 2:1-13, James addresses the issue of favoritism
in the church. Rich people had been getting the better seats. But
do not worry. We will not be establishing a new seating chart this
Sunday morning. You can keep your spot. But we will be looking at
the greater theological principle of favoritism in our lives. How
do you and I pick the winners and losers in our lives? And what do
we do with the losers? This should be fun. I can’t wait to see you
on Sunday! P.Dave
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